It is on you to always emit and radiate positive energy. Think positively and believe in the possible, even if it may seem impossible at first. The fundamental conviction will pave the way for success; even the feasible will appear to be far away, if there is a lack of positive will.
You shape your life the same way scissors shape fabric. You will only see your true character if you look through your heart. Your eyes will only see what everyone else perceives. If you want to internalize the style of this character, you will have to behold and feel it with your heart. This character takes three things with itself, no matter where it goes: its FRAGRANCE, its OUTFIT and its HEART.
Fashion is the enchanted mirror of tradition and culture of a society. It has become an essential component of the modern era and its lack thereof is unfeasible. Still, it is not always meant to be functional and practical, but different. Its alterity imparts oneself the personal note and simultaneously reveals the character. It extrudes the feeling of inner stability and poise. Every character is individual, which is why true fashion attracts it. Fashion is a race, it is coined by the desire to win similarly to the thought to vanquish the opponent in spirit. Fashion will unfailingly give you the feeling of personal superiority.
A character always dresses for its competitors, so a woman will not dress for a man, but for herself, the competition is the inner character itself. If you create an immaculate style through your outfit and your looks, you will compete with the mean fashion in person. Your fashion defines you and expresses your individual personality. Even more: The character can express its affinity to a country, an attitude or even a belief through clothing.
Fashion is a game, in which humans differentiate through their similarities. Fashion also imparts a new look on sexuality and exerts erotic allure and attraction. A person defines its point of view within a hierarchic structure of society through fashion and signifies expectations of affiliation to its societal alignment. Fashion is also an expression of revolution in a society. A societal change leads to a change in fashion as well. Both changes are executed concurrently. The designed outfit bestows a special force upon you that you feel with every step you take and every interaction you have with a fellow man. It resembels an infatuating scent, which sweeps you off your feet.
Your personality and especially your character reflect in your style. A good outfit is an artform, good and clean clothing begets delicate taste. It gives you pleasure to appear with a tasteful look. You cater for harmony by your careful outfit choice. You should always consider, that your look harmonises with your appearance and your character. An attractive outfit means respect towards your surroundings and yourself. It makes for a strong feeling, you sense the attraction. Your attractiveness causes for a friendly interaction between your fellows and you.
Love begins in the eyes; Love in the perspective of an eye is that, what clothing is for your character. The entity of your character with your look leads to a yearning after a similar style to your surroundings. Yet it is unattainable for others, because it arrives at great perfection by an independent character. Completeless in this entity equals a tantalising scent, which catapults us to a very special moment in our lives, to an unforgettable encounter or a peak of emotions.
Designed with love
B Karakter


My life B-Karakter
A real character shines through an outfit when a person acknowledges the lines and their meanings, so it depends on the line – in real life, as well as in textile design. You keep it real, in victory as well as in defeat. Through these traits you gain respect, which causes for a clear, tidy and rectilinear impression.